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Kambo is a holistic and natural medicine treatment from Amazon that comes from the secretion of the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog. It  is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances on the planet and one of the most powerful, natural ways to strengthen the immune system. Deeply transformational on many levels - mind, body and spirit, the treatment helps you purge on physical and energetic levels to unclog channels, boost your immune system, and raise your vibrational field. The purgative, and immune boosting benefits has given it the nickname “The Vaccine of the Forest“. Indigenous tribes in the Amazon have used this medicine throughout history for strength in hunting and for healing. Traditionally, the medicine has been used to clear dark energy known as Panema - the indigenous believed was the source of all physical and spiritual illness and dis-eases. 


It is best believed to detox the body as it enters the lymphatic system, strengthens the immune system and promotes a deeper state of self-healing. This is all done through the peptides that are contained within the Kambo. It is an incredibly intelligent medicine that works on many layers - mind, body and spirit. 


One of the most interesting aspects of the medicine is its connection to hunting and the vast land of the Amazon. For the hunters to be safe from disease, clarity to seek out the animals and physical strength for the hunt. Additionally as Kambo affects satiety the hunters are able to exist on less food while on the hunt. For these reasons It is known as hunting magic. 


In modern applications Kambo has been helpful with auto-immune challenges, gut health, brain fog, menopausal symptoms, hormonal imbalances, addictions, chronic pain, fertility, depression, anxiety, skin issues like acne and more. Why so many? Kambo is full of peptides and the results are linked to various effects immediate and downstream from the peptides. Remember that Insulin is a Peptide as is the Ozempic Drug! 


The healing potential comes from the peptides themselves as some of them are anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, strength enhancing, support cellular functions and stress reducing. 


We offer this work with great respect to the land, the tribes, the frogs *who are not injured in this process* and our teachers who source the medicine ethically. 


How Do I start?


Many people are drawn to Kambo out of curiosity or for specific benefits. It is a wonderful compliment to modern medicine and holistic therapies like yoga and meditation and ayurveda. There are a few aspects of the medicine that make it unique. The medicine is applied through small openings on the skin. It will pass immediately into the lymphatic system where its effects can be felt within a few minutes. For some the reaction is stronger and faster, but for each session we will apply one test area and then apply more in layers. This will allow the process to be more gentle with space in between the layers of intensity that allow for meditation, deeper internal connection and peptide absorption. We highly recommend that your 1st introduction with Kambo is with 3 sessions within one moon cycle - each session will be unique but also progressive with the greatest opportunity for deeper and longer lasting results. Various Treatments and Protocols would be recommended for those with chronic illness which would be discussed in a video call prior to scheduling. 




What are the benefits to Kambo?


I often hesitate to answer this as the benefits are vast and often lost when we try to quantify in a western way. Kambo is an indigenous practice that has been used for thousands of years and predates our modern medical system. It is a modality that combines both the medicine of the peptides and spiritual ways of amphibious medicine. For me, my approach is mult-faceted. As you approach Kambo you actually might not fully know how it could help you. The intelligence of this medicine - both its bioactive and neuro peptides and its historical use in the Amazon work on many levels. And no two experiences are alike. I came back to this medicine to help with a thyroid issue and menopausal symptoms that I had been struggling to heal within pharmaceutical medicines and lifestyle/diet changes. It has also helped me tremendously with gluten intolerance and other inflammatory issues. I  am grateful for the wisdom of the medicine to help me feel better -  physically, mentally and energetically. 



more about Kambo here



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